Terms and Conditions
Here follows the terms and conditions for the use of the website https://www.vitisawards.com/ . It is very important for everybody making use of this website to be fully aware of these terms and conditions, as your knowledge of these terms and conditions are a prerequisite to making use of the site legally.
Company facts:
The operator/end-user contract contains and stipulates the details of the terms of service which can be accessed through the following avenue https://www.vitisawards.com/ (“The Vitis Vinifera Awards website, “website” or “this website”) and is controlled and administered by The Awards Show (Pty) Ltd which also operates by the name The Vitis Vinifera Awards. The company is registration number is 2013/212836/07 wherever the website is mentioned, it would directly refer to The Awards Show (Pty) Ltd as well. The end-user contract is clearly stated in subsequent sections. Except where indicated differently, every section of the end-user contract remains effective and applicable to all users which includes officially listed and nonofficial clients of The Vitis Vinifera Awards website.
Compliance to end-user contract
It is imperative that all end users are acutely aware that this contract is for making use of the features and functionalities of the website are effective, and fully applicable and also includes anyone that would be entering any part of the website. It is really crucial that any prospective end-user of the website should closely examine the end-user contract before entering the site as the assumption would be that you were acutely aware of the contract and complied with it. On the other hand, if you are noncompliant with the arrangement of the end-user contract, you would have to exit the site The Vitis Vinifera Awards instantaneously, because staying any longer would effectively imply that you are compliant with the contract, irrespective of whatever objections you may have with the terms of service.
Guidelines for the acceptable use of information on The Vitis Vinifera Awards website:
The guidelines of acceptable use of information on the website is hinged on lawful, individual and non-marketable objectives. It is forbidden and prohibited to use the site for the following functions and objectives:

  • Unsafe or damaging functions
  • Unlawful functions and objectives
  • Disseminating, revealing or publicising content and resources that could be unpleasant, slanderous, patented,  misleading, incorrect, restricted, or harmful to any individual and also encompasses the,
  • Making, storing and transferring of unsought marketable communications or spam by making use of the website or its content.
  • The use of information on the site to send spam and unsought advertising to The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is strictly prohibited. Additionally all rights exhaustively contained  in section 45 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, No. 25 of 2002 (“Electronic Communications and Transactions  Act”) are reserved.
  • In cases where information circulated on the site is utilised in conflict with the user contract, The Vitis Vinifera Awards may decide to press charges or bring court action against violators.

Login information: You are entirely accountable and therefore warned to actively protect all of your login information and passcodes to The Vitis Vinifera Awards website. You will remain answerable for any activity carried out by any other individuals via your account on The Vitis Vinifera Awards website. This implies that you would bear the brunt in the form of compensation or any other form of disciplinary or remedial action for injury, liability or any negative outcome that may arise from the unsanctioned entry from your account to The Vitis Vinifera Awards website.
Accuracy of your facts: It is required that all of the information which would typically include your name, email address, home address and other relevant details provided are regularly updated. The Vitis Vinifera Awards website would not be responsible for any injury, forfeiture or burden that stems from any falsification or distortion by a user. Failure to regularly update various details would put you at risk of suspension and potential banning from the site.
Software and equipment: you are completely accountable for the procurement and preservation, at your own cost, the various required hardware components, software, communication channels and internet entry accounts to the internet and The Vitis Vinifera Awards website as well as the copying of various resources form the site.
Intellectual property rights:

  • There is a total restriction on the adjustment, duplication, use, and modified engineering of the source code of this website.
  • Unless used in accordance with the aforementioned stipulations, the site and its content it is totally restricted without affecting the aforesaid lawful uses. Users are completely forbidden to reproduce, transmit openly, carryout, deal out, adjust, translate, alter, bundle, disseminate, combine, popularise, or use for business or non-personal objectives, or the use of production of derivative content from materials on the site without The Vitis Vinifera Awards website formal authorisation.
  • Unless explicitly specified to the contrary, this site and every form of intellectual property which encompasses every writing, pictures, symbols, trade names, logos with the inclusion of any other material that is on the site, encompassing restriction, The Vitis Vinifera Awards website logo and every design, text, graphic, pictures, downloads, information, data, software, sound, video and other files, domain names, web pages, patents, source code, meta tags, databases, hyperlinks, content and the selection and arrangement thereof are the exclusive possession of The Vitis Vinifera Awards website and end-users which makes it secure from illegal use by South African domestic and international copyright laws and contracts and is prohibited from any duplication or appropriation absent preceding authorisation in printed form from The Vitis Vinifera Awards. Every material and resource on this site is earmarked solely for the site The Vitis Vinifera Awards.
  • Except when particularly forbidden and restricted by a warning circulated on a specific page of the site, you are completely unrestrained for downloading, watching or printing the aspects of the website that you sensibly need for personal and non-business purposes. This is totally permissible as long as the material or content does not have any trademarked warning or disclaimers and the content is not altered, manipulated or distorted, changed, in any way.
  • There is a total restriction on the adjustment, duplication, use, and modified engineering of the source code of this website.

Correctness of content on The Vitis Vinifera Awards website: The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is absolutely responsible for the reassurance that information rendered by institutions that are contained on this site is correct and current. The various institutions on the site are bound by legal contract to render correct and current information. Nonetheless, we do not implement supervision of the institutions. Additionally, some of the information on The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is produced by users which makes it unconfirmed. Also, we refrain completely from guarantees about the correctness or exactitude of information rendered by other establishments that are itemised on the site as well as the correctness of information rendered by end-users. In this regard, you are expected to draw our attention to any incorrect, invalid, unlawful, derogatory, damaging and slanderous material that can be found on the site to The Vitis Vinifera Awards website as we would make concerted efforts to rectify and eliminate such material, as long as you offer sensible premise to validate that the incorrect feature of the material.
Although conscious and concerted attempts are used to guarantee the regular upgrade and accuracy of details, The Vitis Vinifera Awards website would not be held accountable for any forfeiture, violation or harm irrespective of the form or shoulder any financial burden that could arise primarily or secondarily from the application, dissemination or dependence on the details or services rendered from or to The Vitis Vinifera Awards from this site.
Every price shown on the website could be altered without warning. Additionally, prices that are presented on various places of the site, apart from the citations offered by other enterprises, are merely meant to provide estimates. Deals issued straight to clients from The Vitis Vinifera Awards website are the only deals considered lawful.
Service Disruptions:
While we remain committed to preserving the dependability of our services while safeguarding the system and hardware/software that enables it, we do not offer any guarantee or assurance neither do we suggest or infer that the materials or hardware/software of the site is not vulnerable to mistakes nor do we suggest that services are not susceptible to disturbance. The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is completely extricated from any forfeiture, harm or burden of any form that may emanate from flaws that is discovered or that may erupt in the future using The Vitis Vinifera Awards website service. We recommend that you notify us of any faults and breakdowns that you detect by emailing us at support@vitisawards.com. Additionally, The Vitis Vinifera Awards website would not be responsible for any primary or secondary forfeiture or harm endured of any kind owing to “hacking” of the site, deliberate or inadvertent blackouts or activities of service providers and the various hosting and equipment suppliers. Clients would consider The Vitis Vinifera Awards website innocent when exploring any process that originates from “hacking” or disturbances in the flow of service.

  • The Vitis Vinifera Awards website would not be held accountable for any material, availability, goods and/ or services that was ordered from another site that was found through a hyperlink from this site.
  • In instances that we provide a hyperlink to another website, it is done based on the trust and good faith that the site would have applicable content that is useful to the users of this site. In the aforesaid case, the hyperlink would not indicate that The Vitis Vinifera Awards website scrutinised and certified the third-party site or the materials, goods, services and claims on the site.
  • Pasting frame content on the site in any form without a formal request and authorisation of The Vitis Vinifera Awards is strictly prohibited.


  • The Vitis Vinifera Awards website would undertake the task of maintaining the safety of all material on the site. This also includes the protection of details gotten from clients, safety from illegal entry and/or release of information. Nonetheless, The Vitis Vinifera Awards website would not affirm or guarantee that the materials of the site would be completely protected or sheltered.
  • We strongly advise that you setup antivirus protection before you download anything from resources on the site. It is also imperative that you closely scrutinise the content to see if it is suitable for you and make sure to initiate periodic anti-virus updates.
  • The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is not compelled by law to implement encryption on material or interactions with clients neither are we obligated to implement digital verification for any page on the site.
  • Users are strictly prohibited from the deliberate or inadvertent introduction of any malware, digital virus and other destructive codes to this site, the server and various ancillary networks of the site.
  • In addition to facing criminal charges, efforts to introduce destructive code to the site, either deliberately or inadvertently, you cover and render The Vitis Vinifera Awards website free of charges, without restraint, eliminating any and all forfeiture, burden and harm that would have accrued to The Vitis Vinifera Awards website owing to the introduction or efforts to introduce destructive codes.
  • Users are strictly prohibited from creating, dispensing, or utilising a mechanism or software designed to break, circumvent or bypass the protection protocols of restricted pages, products and services on the website and The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is fully entitled to pursue compensation from any user who is primarily or remotely, purposely or inadvertently participating in the creation, application and spread of that kind of mechanism or software.
  • Violation of the sections 85 to 88 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act would in addition to criminal trial, be held accountable for forfeitures, burdens and harm that may be sustained by The Vitis Vinifera Awards owing to or connected with such violation.

Accountability: The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is completely free with no form of accountability for any primary or remote forfeiture or harm that you may sustain owing to carrying out operations on the site by any involved persons, irrespective of the nature of operation as well as the individual involved.
Right of entry to the Website:

  • The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is fully entitled to limit, suspend or dismiss your entry to this site when and if The Vitis Vinifera Awards website believes that you have violated the stipulated terms of operation.
  • The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is fully entitled to remove the site as well as any area of the site whenever they want without prior warning.
  • The Vitis Vinifera Awards website does not affirm or guarantee that the website would be ready and accessible at any fixed time.

Limitation of responsibility:

  • When in accordance with the stipulations of the user agreement, we become accountable to you for any harm, the compensation would be restricted to not exceed the amount that you paid to us on that particular occasion.
  • Services of the website its strictly based on its appearance absent of any guarantee of any sorts, stated or suggested, which includes all the activities and processes of the site, the correctness of details or the products and services mentioned in this site was not created or provided to satisfy personal needs. The burden of fulfilling your objectives and expectations is entirely yours to bear before accepting the contract with The Vitis Vinifera Awards website as you are burdened with the mandate of ensuring that the services of the site is well matched to your device and software program.
  • The Vitis Vinifera Awards website and all of its affiliate and associates are completely exonerated from any primary or remote, unique or substantial harm or forfeiture of any kind arising from:
  • the procurement and utilisation of any product or services obtainable on the site as well as
  • the absence of any product or service offered on the site, as well as
  • difficulties encountered when trying to enter the site or utilise obtainable product and service on the site, as well as
  • activities carried out using hyperlinks or the dependence on other sites from which the hyperlink is provided to or from the site, as well as
  • entry or the restriction of entry to various sites that are connected to this site, as well as
  • entry and operations of the site by individuals that are unlawful users on account of the ban on the location from which such operation is carried out, as well as
  • provision or broadcast of resources or content on or via the site by you, as well as
  • contravention of various terms of operation and other instructions, stipulations and  rules by you, as well as
  • details or resources that you presented to The Vitis Vinifera Awards website that contradicts and contravenes the provisions of any third-party privileges which encompasses but is not exhaustively captured by defamation, incursion on privacy, fissure of confidence or infraction of copyright as well as various forms intellectual property rights.
  • You would not take legal action and prevent the compensated parties from any forfeiture, harm or burden, legal rights or charges of any form that may be experienced by the protected party owing to or in whichever way connected with the aforementioned in 1 to 9.
  •  The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is fully entitled to protect and regulate any charge owing to the aforementioned and to settle to completely comply with The Vitis Vinifera Awards website in the event of that kind of legal defense.
  •  The content of the site is filled with resources and documents preserved and authorised by The Vitis Vinifera Awards. The resources encompass but are not exhausted by the following design, arrangement, expression, visuals and could be made to comply with copyright and other relevant laws. You are strictly prohibited from duplicating and utilising such material, unless prearranged by The Vitis Vinifera Awards website or the right holder, as well as such cases where the utilisation is trivial occurrence that is engendered by operations on the site.

Alterations to the user contract:
The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is fully entitled to alter the user contact whenever they deem it necessary. In the event that alterations are made, it would be displayed on this page. It is highly recommended that you examine the user contract at the start of every engagement to see if there has been any alterations made, as the general assumption is that you have acknowledged and consent to the change/s ( it becomes operational once displayed on the notification page) when you proceed with operations.
Rule and Authority:

  • The user contract is under the authority and legal framework of South Africa without consideration for contradiction of the tenants of the law.
  • You comply with any charge instituted owing to the user contract that it would be filed in the fitting South African court.
  • You approve to comply with private and special authority of the courts situated in South Africa.

Broad-spectrum issues:

  • Exclusions would be made to any section of the user contract that is discovered to be unscrupulous, illegal and unacceptable by the fitting court with legal authority, the other provisions in the user contract would remain relevant and actionable in accordance with the law.
  • When any area of the user contract has been deemed incorrect, illegal and unacceptable by the fitting court of capable authority, the totality of  the affected areas would be removable from the rest of the provisions, the unaffected areas would be actionable and valid in accordance with the provisions of the law
  • The totality of the contract between user and The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is contained in the user contract, confidentiality policy, terms and conditions circulated on the site. The aforementioned would be prioritised over all other considerations and contracts irrespective of the form in which they come.
  •  In the event that The Vitis Vinifera Awards website does not implement or apply the right or stipulations of the user contract, it does not translate into a relinquishment of the right or stipulation. The Vitis Vinifera Awards website can exercise an unquestionable right to yield, allocate, or handover its rights and duties contained in the provisions of the user contract to whichever third-party.

Legal monetary charge:
The Vitis Vinifera Awards website is not accountable and completely exonerates itself from any monetary charge suffered by you in the bid to acquire expert recommendations concerning this user contract.
Contact for assistance: